
An Ongoing Crush - China Seas Fabrics

Roman Shades in Island Ikat by China Seas
Photo by Ngoc Minh Ngo, House Beautiful, March 2009.

OK, it's not really a crush but more of a personal obsession of mine. China Seas has a way of coloring their patterns in a way that is totally fresh and forward-looking, and yet the colors aren't way off from colors we may have in the rest of the home. It takes a bit of colorist genius to do that successfully. The oranges are soft, the blues are crisp and clear....The graphic fabric patterns take traditional elements like fretwork or chinoiserie and make them look modern and fresh by playing with scale. And they are printed on the most delicious heavy linens that give them substance and a quality feel. I think they're worth every nickel. They've been getting a lot of press lately and it's well-deserved!

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